Tuesday, 07 March 2017 Written by Super User Category: news english Hits: 2086


All praises to Allah & peace & blessings on His Prophet (s).

The strong points

This tour allowed to confirm the strong points & go a few steps ahead. The strong points are essentially the efficiency or the method & the evidence of the results in most cases, like this girl a raqi brought to us & she was having endless crises & she got better & married in less than a week ; another had uncontrolable crises & all her family was suffering & it totally stopped after her first visit ; another received the campaign & three months after the previous campaign she was called by police & received her residence papers; another had so many weird illnesses & as soon as she did the catching her body became totally normal. Alhamdu lillah, the campaign allows raqis & catchers to take turns to work on patients & even to keep patients many days to solve case that were never solved by the mercy of Almighty Allah. There also is the importance of the psychotherapy in this process. Also some patients after hours & days of labour turn out to hang on to taweez’s or ring & thus break our work by their satanic alliances even if it is through ignorance ; this morning a djinn told me: stop pulling us like rubber bands: we pull them out & the patients bring them back.

The steps forward are training new raqis & catchers, opening new centers or ruqya units, treating a lot of people & catching for many places like Velodrome stadium in Marseille or Puy de Dôme mountain in Clermont Ferrand where is a temple of Mercury.

Recidivist sorcerers

It is our biggest difficulty: the sorcerer repeats the magic every time, either regularly or every time the person gets treated, either informed by djinns or getting informed on the patient, either the sorcerer himself or the orderer returns to the sorcerer or to other sorcerers. We have no full protection against sorcery: all prayers will just limit it’s effect, but you can reinforce them by reading Ayat Kursi 3 times after each prayer or 5 or even 7 times. But the protections depend on the actions & the faith of the person: sins cancel the prayers & with shirk no good deed can pass. Besides we refuse to ask djinns who did the magic because their answer is not reliable & is not an acceptable proof islamically, so we will be accusing someone without proof. The real solution is to catch & kill him in the dream, that has already been detailed, but the new point is the curse prayer: instead of 11 rakaat the first evening of treatment we tell the patient to read 2 rakaat every night until the sorcerer is neutralized. We were received by a family I am following for 15 years and sorcery is continuously renewed because there is a question of inheritage. We did the curse prayer instead of our usual tarawih, for them & for all our patients, & the result was strong because next day 3 different people wrote me that important effects happened to their sorcerers. So we decided to maintain 2 curse rakaat every evening & the rest tarawih. When we do that we notice that the djinns of the patients who come next day are already Knock Out. So that’s it, to make our ruqya more efficient we need to dedicate some prayers every night to our patients.


Yes, some people are unhappy, mainly because they expect something else. Many people when they see the catching videos on internet think we make the djinns speak through the patient, but the catcher is a member of our team who was previously possessed then treates then trained to catch & convert djinns. Making djinns speak through the patient needs a lot off effort & pressure on the patient, & mostly they will never speak, & i twill make the situation of the patient more complicated because in the future they might speak any moment ; so we never do that, we never try to make djinns speak through a patient from who they never spoke. In our treatment, priority is to remove magic which is most of the time the cause that brought djinns, yet the treatment also attacks djinns & we have the catching to remove them.

One lady wanted me to read until she vomits the sorcery because she didn’t want to take sana ; the sana is so much simpler to take & besides the eaten sihr can stick anywhere from the entrance (mouth & throat) till the exit, so one might vomit what is inside the stomach with the food but if it is in the intestines with the waste I have never seen someone vomit that; what if it is gone in the blood & organs? Sana cleans it all. One family was unsatisfied because we offered them no solution foe the sorcerers repeating ; if someone has any, I would love to take it, but all those I have seen are abuses. Many people are disappointed we don’t give them enough information in the catching & I will develop this point in sha Allah. I don’t talk about the fact djinns can lie, even when they are totally sincere their answers are very divergent. To the simple question: how many sorceries have been done to the patient, the djinns will give different answers according to the catchers. We understand how many times a person has gone to a magician & asked him to work on the person, but some djinns will see that hair was token, knots were done & put in the graveyard, so that’s 3 sorceries, & others will see one blockage for marriage & one for work so 2 sorceries when each one is done several times; so for this simple question we can get answers ranging from 3 to 30 ; so if we look for details of the sorceries it will be total fog. We witnessed 2 significant incidents in Morocco : the police went to the house of a brother of the group & called him. We caught the djinns & they said a neighbour of the ruqya center wasn’t happy & called the police on him. When he inquired, it was his ex asking for the pension of their daughter. Another person came & said his car was stolen. We caught & the djinns said the robber has gone to sell in another city 300 kms away. One hour later the robber called to ask for money to give the car back & he had’nt left the town. How to understand these divagations of the djinns ? It’s as if you ask a 6 year old boy why his parents divorced & he says : I don’t know. You say: you do, you must answer & you insist until he makes up nonsense.

We have patients that refuse to do hijama ; it’s very problematic because it is a fondamental part of the treatment. Either they have a bad experience with cupping, but our cupping is very light unlike medical cupping, without pain nor marks except those on head or forehead because they are directly on the bone. Either they think it’s not related to their problem, but the blockages in life are due to sorcery & the sorcery can be put in the body & the cupping with ruqya is the most efficient way to remove it.

Besides, if the djinns appear on the patient we will catch more & more to finish all the djinns we find, & he can return as much as needed.


We had patients related or knowing terrorists & that confirmed what we thought. First they are not religious people & never attended mosques, rather they are criminals committing ll kinds of sins. Alhamdu lillah that it’s not in mosques that these philosophies of hatred & anarchy develop, but in the spiritual & moral drains of society. Secondly, they are heavily affected by sorcery & djinns, one was even son of sorceress. So there is a base of sorcery & criminality then djinns specially sent to push Muslims to kill each others & others to dirty the image of Islam, spread chaos & prepare the arrival of Dajjal; yet the first cause is Muslims as the great majority of the people we treat, it is other Muslims who did magic on them.

The disrupture with the mosques

One brother hoped to get the big empty rooms in the mosque for the campaign; they let him hope without answer till the time of campaign & he had to find a house urgently. We read Friday prayer in that mosque & the imam was speaking about patience & made a point on ruqya saying: the great majority of those who complain about djinns & sorcery only have psychologic problems; those who are really affected by djinns it is mostly because of their sins & lack of imaan; I personally don’t believe a djinn can enter a human body; those who do ruqya are mostly abusers searching for money. Do you hear, all our brothers & sisters that suffer, the answer of more & more imams to your problems.

One place organised ruqya in a mosque: it was till isha salat that the users of the mosque came & we were chased; it’s always like that in the mosques, there always is a person or a group that has some good reasons to not accept us & that will struggle to chase us.

So our campaign is in houses & don’t worry about police & authorities, the solution is very simple: tell them before. One sister after our passage was called to the police station – she had already informed - & the inspector knew ruqya very well apprecited our method; the only thing he was worried about is if we used the brutal methods that led to deaths in some ruqyas. We expect your hosting proposals for campaign in Italy, Spain & Algeria.


Some young men came from another city for their brother who lost his mind after getting married. After the catching, they discussed & discussed then asked me if I could ask the djinn the name of his sister. I said: « You are right, we are crazy to treat your crazy brother for 50 €. If we made you pay 2000 € you wouldn’t ask this kind of questions, as if we were clowns doing a show. No, we cannot ask this kind of questions because we use catching to fight sorcerers & devils & not for stupid games». Indeed, many raqis will think like good businessmen : how much would you pay for me to solve this problem? & very few will train others.

But we have baraka with our small fares: this campaign in Europe after a long slim period allowed us to push forward the project of center in Guinea because the campaign is the biggest contributor but we ask again our patients & followers who feel the importance & impact of a ruqy center on the environment. I lso remind my raqis of the 20% contribution if your ruqy revenues exceed those of a primary school teacher. I also restarted printing my books in Burkina (in French), Alfirdaws library near AEEMB, Tel 00226 71 31 32 35, & a new book: the strong believer, & all ruqya centers should try to have them.