

Praise be to Allah and prayer and peace be upon his Prophet (s).

I would like to share with you this experience of dhikr. Repeat sobhan Allah walhamdou lillah wa ilaha illa Allah wallahou akbar wa la hawla wa qowata illa billah, and instead of thinking about a creature think about the moment you see Allah in Paradise. This moment represents the greatest pleasure in Paradise, to see the beauty and the light of Allah, and when that happens the first time people remain 300 years without blinking an eye: so while saying sobhan Allah we think: how Allah is beautiful and wonderful. When we see Allah in Heaven, His light permeates us and we start to shine light. So we become more beautiful, our faith increases and we are closer to Allah; at every new vision of Allah we climb to a new level of faith and proximity of Allah, so alhamdu lillah for this incomparable benefit since it is our value itself increasing. Now, Allah who gives us this ultimate pleasure to see Him, and this fantastic gift to increase our faith and our value, who else deserves that we spend our life for him and look forward to his reward? Every moment of our life that is not dedicate to Allah and each worship we miss, makes us miss the vision of Allah in heaven, because after the first time, everyone will see Him according to his merit and rank: some never more and others daily. So what creature deserves that we sacrifice the vision of Allah for it? So "la ilaha illa Allah": He is alone worthy of worship, the best rewarder and devoting yourself to any other than Him is a loss. The limit of His gifts is unreachable, light and proximity will increase during whole eternity: Allahu akbar. No creature has power or influence when we remember Allah; but when you see Him it's as if the rest no longer exists: la hawla wa quwata illa billah, there is no power only by Allah.

But when we see Allah in heaven, what is the use of the rest? The vision of Allah is by night in couple; after seeing Allah, when you turn to your wife (or husband), you see her/him resplendent with light: you see in her/him the gift of Allah and as long as you're with her/him you do love Allah more and get closer to him. This concerns your wife, and why meet friends and acquaintances and spend time with them? There's surely someone you'll enjoy meeting: Rasool Allah (s); don't even worry, you just to desire it and it will happen. What will you do as soon as you see him? Yes, you're going to hug him. I suggest you think at that moment when you read the salat: "Assalatu wassalamu alayka ya rasool Allah - prayer and peace be upon you O Messenger of Allah. Assalatu wassalamu alayka ya habeeb Allah - prayer and peace be upon you Oh beloved of Allah; there's nothing in the universe containing so much love of Allah. Assalatu wassalamu alayka ya khayra khalqillah - prayer and peace be upon you Oh best creature of Allah; and the result is that by looking at him and holding him in your arms, it increases your faith and your light.

And don't worry, it is not the Messenger of Allah (s) that will push you away to tell you it's enough or he has something else to do. Wa 'ala aalika wa sahbika ajma’een - and on all your family and companions: you raise your head and see that you are surrounded by those who loved him, followed him and gave their lives for him and his religion. Indeed, we know them, we increase our faith with their stories, we have been inspired by their examples, we gave their names to our children... But they also know you: they have received all the prayers you did for them as well as the hassanat of your good deeds when you followed their examples and transmitted their teachings. So I invite you to pray on the Prophet (s) while keeping in mind this moment where you see him in heaven and hug you.

So we have seen Allah and his Prophet (s) in heaven, as well as his companions, but what is the point to meet those whome rank is lower than us? It's they who want to see you and are impressed by your growing light and your amazing stories in life and in heaven. Alhamdu lillah, I've discovered how to practice my favourite activity in paradise: increase my faith and the faith of others.