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I don't know where to start: Istanbul on both banks, is on horseback between Europe and Asia, Ottoman mosques, museums, shops at no end, cable cars, culinary specialties, restaurants...
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Yes, I and all those who came from abroad fell under the charm of this country, its people and its system...
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It was the first campaign in this Portuguese-speaking country which makes a triangle with the Atlantic Ocean on the West, Guinea Conakry in the South and Senegal in the North, two countries where my centres are respectively settled since 2010 and 2008.
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This campaign in Senegal began with the city of Ziguinshore, the capital of Casamance. For those who do not know, Casamance has a very special geography because of Gambia which is a strip of land surrounding the Gambia River from its mouth up to 320 km

A mawlana said curse prayer was shirk and that led the brothers in South Africa to question a mufti and alhamdu lillah the answer is totally positive and now we even have the exact daleel.So the simple answer is that in nafl and sunnah salaah you can repeat any ayaat. 

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The killings on behalf of Islam we are witnessing in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Afghanistan and so on are unheard of and astonishing: how can people apparently so committed to religion kill blithely other Muslims and claim to lead a holy war blessed by Allah that leads to paradise? I propose an investigation into the sources to decrypt their reasoning, and discover that they are not the first to boast of bloodshed of the Muslims.

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For the development of our website and the promotion of our products, we are today calling our followers for voluntary participations...

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« If I have to give you only one advice, cancel all objective from your life except Allah and everything will be fine ».

When I started praying at the age of 15 and half, I was fascinated by this verse: “wastanaâtouka linafsi” “And I have created you for me” (Taha 41), where Allah after reminding Musa alayhi salam all He has done for him and how He planed his life before his birth to prepare him for the mission He is giving him today, reveals him the wisdom in all the events of his life, as well as with the verse: “innahu kana mokhlasan” “ He was exclusively dedicated to Us” (Mariam 51), which introduces a different notion of sincerity “mokhlisan “ where no other intention is mixed with Allah’s worshiping; “mokhlisan” means that we only belong to Allah et there is nothing else in our life. So I have invented a duaa for me: “Allahomma istaniîni linafsika wa akhlisni lidinika” “O Allah, make me for you and dedicate me to your religion. ».

Sheikh Ben halima is currenlty in Algeria



For any proposition : contact@benhalimaabderraouf.fr 

A team will be in New York for treatment and training : from 20th of January to 20th of February.

Informations and appointments : +1(718)4516268, +1(347)5575532, roqyah.nyc@yahoo.com